Design Deep Dive: Social Distancing Tape

Lee Wai Shun Dan
6 min readAug 3, 2021

πŸ–Ό Context

As part of the 3.007 Design Thinking and Innovation module at SUTD, we were given the brief: Create something that could reimagine public spaces in Singapore in the context of a pandemic / post-pandemic world. In this article, I would be examining the humble social distancing tape using the AEIOU Framework and see what we could learn from it.

πŸ‘£ Activity

What actions and behaviours are people taking to reach goals? (From the Open Practice Library)

In this section, we discuss social distancing as an activity. We observe that this social distancing tape is used by two groups of people: enforcers and people following the tape.

Tape guides an individual to follow a dictated flow while also serving as a guide for users to know where to and not to stand. These visual cues help maintain social distancing during this pandemic.

However, social distancing tape is but a guide, it is unable to enforce these rules and still require enforcers like Social Distancing ambassadors to intervene when someone is not abiding by the tap markings.

🏝 Environment

What is the overall setting in which the activities are taking place? How are people behaving in the environment? (From the Open Practice Library)

In this section, we examine the characteristics of the micro-environments and macro-environments in which tapes are used and how it in turn informs the properties of the tape.


Smooth Surface with high exposure to water e.g. bathrooms

  • Heavy-duty mounting (double-sided) tape is water-resistant, durable and strong.

Rough Surface with uneven texture and bumps on the surface, making normal tapes hard to stick on. e.g. uneven walls

  • Rough Surface Extra Strength painter tape is able to conform to its shape to ensure full contact.


Healthcare Tape, used on patients, require more gentle adhesive action when in contact with the skin

  • 3M Micropore Surgical Tape adheres well to skin without causing irritation or unnecessary pressure despite repeated application.

Social distancing tapes exposed to outdoor elements like the sun and rain

  • Tape is usually brightly coloured and long-lasting in order to stand out and to prevent damage.

πŸ‘‹ Interaction

What are the basic interactions occurring for people to reach goals? What effect do people have on activities and the environment? (From the Open Practice Library)

In this section, we zoom into the application and interaction with the tape.


  • Preparation of surface needed for long-lasting effects.


  • Beginning of the tape is marked in bright yellow to help users find it easily.
  • Versatile as tape is tearable without using fixed perforated markings like toilet paper.


  • Easily torn using bare hands.


  • Circular tape roll allows easy unravelling of the tape.
  • Tape’s dimension allows for single-hand handling.


  • Tape can be kept around the wrist when not in use.

πŸ“¦ Object

What are all the details that form the environment? How do objects relate to people, activities and interactions? (From the Open Practice Library)

In this section, we look at the physical makeup of tape and how that influences how it is used by its users. Each individual component contributes properties that make tape so universally useful.

Diagonal Patterns - The diagonal stripes creates a greater contrast against a straight line grid usually used on floors.

Tensile Strength - Interlocking strands of the cotton mesh create gaps that can stretch when force is applied.

Tear-ability - Easy tearing of mesh structure when a force is applied through the line of force applied.

Waterproof - Polyethylene coating prevents water from seeping through the material, shielding the adhesive from moisture.

Abrasion Resistant- Low-density polyethylene is impact resistant, thus enabling the tape to be more long-lasting.

πŸ‘€ User

Who are the people being observed? What are their personalities like? How do they engage with other people to reach goals? (From the Open Practice Library)


  • Social Distancing Ambassadors β€” Identify violations of social distancing measures.
  • Property Owners β€” Establish user movement in space based on government guidelines.

General public

  • Dictate the direction of allowed movement within a space.
  • Visual cues to remind people to maintain social distancing.
  • Creates a sense of anxiety as they remind them of the pandemic.
  • Complacency and lack of adherence to the tapes.
  • Creates a sense of safety as tape can serve as an imaginary boundary between individuals.


  • Visual nature of social distancing tape makes the blind vulnerable.
  • No tactile feedback unlike usual wayfinding tools used by the visually impaired.
  • Can only rely on long canes and walk more slowly.
  • Clear symbols and bright colours may still help partially blind individuals.
  • Seek help from bystanders for direction.

πŸ” Lifecycle

In this section, we examine the life cycle of a tape from point of application to point of removal. We studied how various factors caused degradation of this product and in the process, understand the potential opportunities here.

  1. Waterproof surfaces needed for optimal application
  2. Trade-off between having long-lasting tape and temporary and flexible tape
  3. Rough and uneven surfaces disturb adhesive action
  4. Unintended residue left behind by tape

πŸ“ Takeaways

  1. Why, why and why? Only when you keep asking yourself why, can you uncover the root design principles behind a product.
  2. A product =/= what it does only. A product is an amalgamation of the activities it facilitates, the environment it resides in, the interactions it creates, its properties and the users who use it. The product reveals its final form when placed into a context, hence it should be designed with that in mind as well.
  3. Design principles can be distilled from anything. Anything and everything can be a source of inspiration, no matter how different they are. If social distancing tape can teach us so much about versatility and modularity, we have no reason to look at everything in our life using a design lens!

➑️ Next

In the next article, I will be examining the Singapore Flyer and finding opportunities for innovation. Stay tuned!

